Source code for ltp.ltp

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
# Imports =====================================================================
import os
import uuid
import shutil
import base64
import os.path

import settings

import fn_composers
import info_composer
import checksum_generator
from marcxml2mods import marcxml2mods

# Functions & objects =========================================================
[docs]def _get_package_name(prefix=settings.TEMP_DIR, book_id=None): """ Return package path. Use uuid to generate package's directory name. Args: book_id (str, default None): UUID of the book. prefix (str, default settings.TEMP_DIR): Where the package will be stored. Default :attr:`settings.TEMP_DIR`. Returns: str: Path to the root directory. """ if book_id is None: book_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) return os.path.join(prefix, book_id)
[docs]def _create_package_hierarchy(prefix=settings.TEMP_DIR, book_id=None): """ Create hierarchy of directories, at it is required in specification. `root_dir` is root of the package generated using :attr:`settings.TEMP_DIR` and :func:`_get_package_name`. `orig_dir` is path to the directory, where the data files are stored. `metadata_dir` is path to the directory with MODS metadata. Args: book_id (str, default None): UUID of the book. prefix (str, default settings.TEMP_DIR): Where the package will be stored. Default :attr:`settings.TEMP_DIR`. Warning: If the `root_dir` exists, it is REMOVED! Returns: list of str: root_dir, orig_dir, metadata_dir """ root_dir = _get_package_name(book_id=book_id, prefix=prefix) if os.path.exists(root_dir): shutil.rmtree(root_dir) os.mkdir(root_dir) original_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "original") metadata_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "metadata") os.mkdir(original_dir) os.mkdir(metadata_dir) return root_dir, original_dir, metadata_dir
[docs]def create_ltp_package(aleph_record, book_id, ebook_fn, data, url, urn_nbn=None): """ Create LTP package as it is specified in specification v1.0 as I understand it. Args: aleph_record (str): XML containing full aleph record. book_id (str): UUID of the book. ebook_fn (str): Original filename of the ebook. data (str/bytes): Ebook's content. url (str): URL of the publication used when the URL can't be found in `aleph_record`. urn_nbn (str, default None): URN:NBN. Returns: str: Name of the package's directory in ``/tmp``. """ root_dir, orig_dir, meta_dir = _create_package_hierarchy(book_id=book_id) # create original file original_fn = os.path.join( orig_dir, fn_composers.original_fn(book_id, ebook_fn) ) with open(original_fn, "wb") as f: f.write(data) # create metadata files metadata_filenames = [] records = marcxml2mods(marc_xml=aleph_record, uuid=book_id, url=url) for cnt, mods_record in enumerate(records): fn = os.path.join( meta_dir, fn_composers.volume_fn(cnt) ) with open(fn, "w") as f: f.write(mods_record) metadata_filenames.append(fn) # collect md5 sums md5_fn = os.path.join(root_dir, fn_composers.checksum_fn(book_id)) checksums = checksum_generator.generate_hashfile(root_dir) with open(md5_fn, "w") as f: f.write(checksums) # create info file info_fn = os.path.join(root_dir, fn_composers.info_fn(book_id)) with open(info_fn, "w") as f: f.write( info_composer.compose_info( root_dir=root_dir, files=[original_fn] + metadata_filenames, hash_fn=md5_fn, aleph_record=aleph_record, urn_nbn=urn_nbn, ) ) return root_dir